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July 27, 2021

How to clean sewing machine step-by-step?

Are you someone who regularly executes sewing projects? Do you care about the performance of your sewing machine and its accessories? If that’s the case, then it’s important to clean your sewing machine once in a while. If you have a needle that has been used for multiple sewing projects, a machine that has not been cleaned properly or oiled, or perhaps you haven’t changed any machine parts, then it’s time for some cleaning. Before starting to clean your machine, few questions may arise in your mind. How should I do it? How should I do it in a proper manner? How can I increase its performance? Let’s try to answer some of these pertinent questions.

There are some important things to consider before you begin the cleaning process. If you do it the wrong way, then you might end up causing more damage to your machine. Let’s carefully go through the following steps and make sure your sewing machine runs smoothly!

  1. Read the user manual
  2. The user manual contains many details that include dos and don’ts which you must follow strictly to keep the machine operational. If you’re not finding it or never had any, you can search about it on the internet or contact the sewing machine dealer.

  3. Unplug the sewing machine
  4. Don’t touch any machine parts when it is still plugged in. So you need to make sure that the sewing machine has been unplugged. You can take your sewing machine to an area where you can clearly see what you are doing.

  5. Clean the Bobbin area
  6. Firstly discard the needle and the foot such that it directs the flat side of the needle. Now remove the needle plate and pressure foot according to the instructions of the user manual. After that, lever off the needle plate screw. By using a fine brush, you can lint off the feed teeth. Then use an old needle to clean off the feed channel. You can also use tweezers for removing any balls of dirt. After completely removing lint, wipe the residual dirt by using a cotton bud. If there is a bit more lint or is difficult to remove, buy a vacuum kit for deep cleaning.

  7. Oil the sewing machine
  8. Many modern sewing machines do not need oiling. So you must check your manual before you oil the machine. You need to make sure that you get the right oil for your sewing machine. This is important to get rid of any damage. So you must not try to use any kind of substitute oil that you will find somewhere else.

  9. Clean the Exterior
  10. After cleaning the inside portion, it is time for exterior cleaning. Most machines are made from a hard plastic. So it can be wiped over with a soft cloth. If your cloth is slightly wet, keep in mind that you need to avoid touching some parts where moisture can enter. Then wipe off the exterior of the machine to remove any residual dirt. Here you can use a soft and slightly wet cloth. But before start wiping, ensure that you squeeze the cloth firmly to remove any excess water. Then wipe it with a dry cloth for the final time.

  11. Reassemble the machine
  12. Once you are done with all the cleaning and other things, it’s time for reassembling your machine. First, you need to line up the bobbin case by turning the hand knob back and forth until it’s rightly placed. Then slide the needle plate and place the screws. After that, put back the pressure foot and set a new needle. A needle has two sides, a flat side and a round side. You can check the manual to know the way the needle has to face. Now you have to push up the clamp of the needle as far as it goes. Finally, you must make the thumb screw tight. You can refer the manual if you need any help with reassembling.

  13. Test
  14. After following all the above mentioned steps, your machine will look sparkling clean. So it’s time to test it out. If you have used the oil in the cleaning process, you may find a few extra pieces of lint come out while you start sewing. So it’s important to do the testing.

    These are some of steps you need to follow at home to keep your machine running smoothly. Periodic cleaning is important to enhance it life span. Also how often you clean the machine depends on the usage of the machine. Every sewing machine consists of some intricate parts. So, you must follow a systematic cleaning process. Care should also be given so that you don’t damage the machine parts while cleaning.

    It’s critical that you take your time and be meticulous while performing this cleaning process. If you clean your machine in a well structure manner and use top quality sewing accessories, it will drastically enhance the sewing experience.

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