+91 9447213568
+91 484 2521 673
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Fitwel Marketing (Welfit) does all kinds of sewing machine and accessories repair works in Ernakulam. With decades of sewing machine repairing service experience, our team can get your machine back to top performance. Whatever type of sewing machine you have, whether it’s small, heavy duty, light weight or a standard industrial sewing machine we can fix all the issues related to its working.

We provide top quality sewing machine repair and maintenance services in Ernakulam. Whether it’s about stitching issues, motor problems, lubrication or related to accessories, we're here to help you. We can also install machine stand, set sewing tables, do machine head service and perform full machine cleaning. Our company will repair machines manufactured by top brands like Singer, Usha, Brother, Bruce, Jack, and Amarjit.

Fitwel Marketing (Welfit) will ensure that your sewing machine performs well in consistent manner. We repair Single machine, Umbrella machine, Fashion Maker, Table top, Overlock, Power machine, Upholstery machine and all other kinds of sewing machines. Our team is committed to providing sewing machine services that meet the expectations of customer.

Our service experts can find and sort out any sewing machine problem, from maintenance issues to complete breakdowns. Whatever your sewing repairing needs are, feel free to reach out to us and take advantage of our extensive knowledge and expertise. We'd be happy to help you!

Repairing process


Call +91 484 2521 673 or +91 9447213568 to know the details of our service

Bring the product

Bring your product to the shop for repairing


We will check the product, find the problem and fix it fast